Facebook advertising

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    Why does Facebook and Instagram advertising work?



    Facebook shares their advertising platform with Instagram, therefore it is able to reach customers right where they spend a lot of time.


    Target audience

    Relevant audience may be selected by age, gender, interests, field of activity, education, marital status, and other factors.



    Many people regard ads displayed on Facebook and Instagram timelines as personal and especially dedicated to them, thus, they are more likely to trust it.


    Image creation

    Facebook and Instagram will promote your brand. Audiences will frequently see your advertisement, therefore your brand will become known and reliable!


    Analyses options

    Possibility to measure return from advertising, to assess and consequently improve it!



    Possibility to attract new customers at comparatively low costs!

    Facebook and Instagram advertising

    Facebook potential

    Facebook and Instagram advertising enables use of the opportunities provided by the world’s most popular social networks for your benefit. It is clear that the potential is huge, taking into account the significant share of the world’s population using it. Facebook and Instagram have also become very popular in Latvia.

    Find your customer

    The users who could be interested in your goods or services can be selected from the entirety of users. All you have to do is show them the offer which they will be interested in and which the potential customers will not be able to refuse. If everything is done correctly, success will follow!


    Of course it is also important to follow and analyse the results to continue to improve them. Perhaps you initially thought that your service was more interesting for men, but data shows that women have clicked even more on your ad. Or maybe you thought that your actual target audience consisted of people interested in economics, but it turned out that larger numbers of applications were filled in by people interested in marketing.


    Successful examples


    Example #1

    We create and administer Facebook advertising for a company which organises business and investment courses in Riga.
    Result: Investing a comparatively small amount of money has resulted in applications from the website on an almost daily basis.

    Example #2

    We’ve been advertising apartments in one of the new projects via Facebook.
    Result: Large numbers of valuable visitors were gained, who fill in application forms and fulfil other advertising goals on a regular basis.


    Example #3

    We helped attract additional audience for the art training, organised by our customer, via Facebook/Instagram advertising.
    Result: Advertising for just a few weeks led to considerably faster registration of new classes.

    Example #4

    We use the advertising opportunities of Facebook/Instagram to promote and market a new beauty care product.
    Result: The product recognisability in the relevant target audience grows every day, and so does demand for the product.


    You are only one step away from taking your company’s digital marketing to the next level.


      Target audience and Options


      For the most part, effective advertising will be one that can appeal to people's interests and hobbies. For example, if you want to promote your sports club to women over the age of 30 who are interested in fitness and a healthy lifestyle, Facebook and Instagram precisely target such audiences.

      Selection options

      The internet provides endless possibilities to find information about necessary goods or services, conveniently and quickly; thus, making it is a great place to attract new customers.

      Other options

      It is possible to promote both your Facebook and/or Instagram page, and redirect target audience right to your website. Options are rather broad — you can focus on expansion of popularity of social network page, certain actions on the website, application downloads, video views etc. Every situation must be assessed to find out which approach is the most effective and efficient in achieving your business goals.


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      Elīna Ozola
      "Hepsor" real estate

      We are satisfied, that we chose “Omarketing” as our partner for the creation and publishing of digital content. Personalised care and interest in each customer and their campaign — these are the elements which describe best our commitment to working with you. Thank you!”

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      Dating website "otrapuse.lv"

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      Why choose Omarketing


      Specialists with over 10 years worth of vast experience and practical knowledge.

      Google Partners

      Google Partner status, which confirms our competence and reliability


      We are working to achieve real business goals: purchases, applications, new customers.


      No long-term obligations — continue the cooperation as long as you are satisfied with it.


      Transparent conditions for cooperation, no unclear costs.


      We always work in a thoughtful, responsible, and responsive manner.

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        Facebook Advertising (Facebook Marketing)?

        Reklāma Facebook ir aktuāla un efektīva daudziem uzņēmumiem Latvijā un citur Pasaulē

        Facebook advertising is topical and efficient for many companies in Latvia and across the globe because of two very simple reasons.

        • Facebook audience amounts to a very large number of people;
        • These people may be selected by various criteria to reach the right ones.

        Facebook is convincingly the most popular social network across the globe, and now also in Latvia. Furthermore, Facebook shares their advertising platform with the Instagram social network, which enables posting advertisements both on Facebook and Instagram through the same advertising platform. This is clearly one of the preconditions to choose where to advertise. The best possibilities to use the most popular advertising platforms are especially in Latvia, where the market is already rather small.

        As with nearly all of the most popular advertising platforms, costs depend on your wishes and possibilities. A freely chosen advertising budget has been selected to invest. However, if you want to find out at the approximate costs, we can prepare an individual offer for you including various budget variants and benefits.

        Mostly Facebook advertising is charged for views. How much will it cost, for example, for a thousand views? It depends both on your target audience, quality, and goals of advertising campaign.

        Quality mainly means conformity – your offer must be displayed effectively to those people who may find it topical, and in a way which they find to be the most attractive. Internet advertising offers very wide opportunities, and Facebook develops them, as well as tries to use these opportunities for its benefit to the maximum extent.

        The most important factor is return on the advertising budget or financial benefit which you gain from the invested funds. Of course, pay for views is one of the important factors which affects efficiency of advertising campaigns, however, other benefits, not only costs must be taken into account. Mostly, advertising efficiency will depend on quality of the advertising campaign. Showing advertisements to relevant audiences significantly increases the possibility that the investments will pay off.

        Facebook Advertising does not have a specific price – you choose the amount to transfer into your Facebook Ads account.

        This budget is spent for views of the advertising. Of course, when investing very small amounts, you will not be able to gain a large number of new customers or understand the efficiency of your campaign, but the basic principle is that everyone can initially invest an affordable amount.

        The main thing is to be sure whether or not advertising investments pay off, and to gain the highest possible return on investment. Advertising spots are not purchased for a particular period or for a particular amount of money – the system is very dynamic.

        Similarly to Google AdWords, CTR indicator is a very important tool for Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads. CTR or click through rate designates percentage of the users who clicked on your advertisement after viewing it. Logically, a high CTR means that the most relevant people viewed the advertisements they were by interested in.

        Facebook also highly appreciates the cases where the advertisement has a high CTR. Both because makes more money and because it points at positive user’ experience – people are really interested in content, including the displayed advertisements.

        Of course, it is not the only factor to be taken into account, but the first step towards an efficient advertising campaign will usually be attraction of the users’ attention.

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